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The submitted manuscripts are going to be accepted for the publication in “Contemporary Eurasia” with the condition that they have not been published previously in printed or electronic format and the paper is not under consideration by another publication in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.
The papers should be original scholarly works, which reflect an understanding of contemporary Eurasian social, political and ideological transformations.
All submissions are initially evaluated by the Editorial board. The authors whose papers are not qualified will be notified within 15 days after submission. Those manuscripts, which meet initial standards, will be sent to anonymous reviewing. Editors will carefully evaluate the reviewers' comments and, if necessary, provide guidance to the authors on how to improve the paper. After making recommended changes the paper will be sent for publication.


All authors are required to send scientific articles in compliance with the following technical requirements announced by the Editorial Board of “Contemporary Eurasia”:

1. Abstract: A concise abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. References, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract.
2. Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, "and", "of"). These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
3. Author names and affiliation: Please clearly indicate the given name and family name of author and check that all names are accurately spelled, as well as shall be accompanied with Russian translation. The author’s academic degree, position, affiliation organization, e-mail address, as well as the brief information about the author’s research and sphere of interests must be submitted as well.
Vahram Ter–Matevosyan, PhD
Head of the Turkish studies department at the Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA. His research interests include modern history of Turkey and regional security issues.
4. The paper will be accepted in Microsoft office word document format
5. The font of publication is Sylfaen
6. The text font size is 11 pt with 1.5 line spacing; footnote font size is 10 pt with 1 line spacing.
7. For references use footnote.

References should be formatted in our journal's style. Please follow the format of the sample references as shown in the . In case of deviation from the principles of the presented bellow system, the Editorial Board reserves the right not to accept the texts of the articles.
The Guide for footnote format:

1.1 Book with author
Use book title as it appears on the title page.
Edition: Include edition if not the first, in the form ‘2nd edn’, etc,
Page numbers: in the form ‘p.’ for ‘page’ or ‘pp.’ for ‘pages’.
Author First name Last name, Book Title (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), p. x.
Example: Peterson J., The Politics of Middle Eastern Oil, (Washington: Longman, 1983), p. 3
or pp. 3-6.
For further references the text; Peterson J., op. cit., p. 9.
1.2 Book with author and editor
First name Last name, Book Title, ed. by First name Last name (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), p. x.
1.3 Book with editor(s) but no author
Book Title, ed. by First name Last name (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), p. x.
1.4 E-books
Web address: URL or DOI of the resource in angle brackets< >
Date accessed: in square brackets[ ]
First name Last name, Book Title (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), p. x [accessed day month year].

2. Journal articles, print and electronic
Title: Put article title in single quotation marks and journal title in italics.
Page numbers: Page number of article.
First name Last name, ‘Article Title’, Journal Title, Volume. Issue (Year), p. x.
Example: Tim Ripley, Syrian Ceasefire Breaks Down, IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly, Volume 53, Issue No 39, (28.10.2016), p. 4.
If online article, include these details at the end:
[accessed day month year].
Example: Tim Ripley, Syrian Ceasefire Breaks Down, IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly, Volume 53, Issue No 39, (28.10.2016), p. 4., <>, [accessed 13 July 2014].

3. Newspaper articles, print and online
3.1 Print newspaper articles

Author: If no individual author is credited, start your reference with the article title.
Title: Put article title in single quotation marks and newspaper title in italics.
Page numbers: Include in the form ‘p.’ for ‘page’ or ‘pp.’ for ‘pages’
First name Last name, ‘Article Title’, Newspaper Title, day month year, p. x
Example: Farmer Ben, Posturing Russians to Send Aircraft Carrier and Fleet along the English Channel, The Telegraph, 14.10.2016, p. 3.
3.2 Online newspaper articles from databases
Title:If no individual author is credited, start your reference with the article title.
Web address: URL or DOI of the resource in angle brackets< >
Date accessed: in square brackets [ ]
“Article Title”, Newspaper Title, day month year, , [accessed day month year].
Example: Iraqi Kurdistan begins first-time oil exports, Al-Arabiya News, Jun. 01, 2009, ,[Accessed 13.03.16]

4. Referencing on other sources such as theses of conferences, manuscripts, dissertations:
If no individual author is credited, start your reference with the article title.
Title: Put theses, manuscript, and dissertation title in single quotation marks.
Page numbers: For dissertation include in the form ‘p.’ for ‘page’ or ‘pp.’ for ‘pages
First name Last name, Work Title, (Place of publication or Place of conference, Publisher, Year), p. x.

5. Official Web pages:

Title: The title of announcement or article or the number of document, resolution and etc. and the full name of official organization should be given.
Web address: URL or DOI of the resource in angle brackets< >
Date accessed: in square brackets[ ]
Example: Rising extreme inequality is a concern for us all, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO), 12.06.2016,
,[Accessed 13.03.16].

6. Supplementary material

Supplementary material such as applications, images can be published with your article to enhance it. Submitted supplementary items are published exactly as they are received. Please submit your material together with the article and supply a concise, descriptive caption for each supplementary file. Including images, tables and figures, should have at least 300 density (dpi).

7. Review:

“Contemporary Eurasia” is going to publish also comprehensive reviews on topics of interest to our broad readership. Reviews follow the same format guidelines as research articles.
Title: Use book title as it appears on the title page (give translation if book in foreign language),
Author: Put the book’s author name, Place of publication: Publisher, Year, The total number of pages:
Reviewer: Put the name of Reviewer. The scientific degree and affiliation organization of reviewer should be mentioned at the end of the review.

If you have any additional questions about digital files, transliteration or the separate issues please contact to Issue Manager of “Contemporary Eurasia” Nazeli Navasardyan
Email:, Tell: 095330696


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