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On March 31, 2009, during the discussion, which was organized by Council of young orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA, made a speech researcher of the Department of Iranian Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA, candidate of History, Gohar Iskandaryan about ,,Iran on the threshold of the presidential elections”: during the lecture presented the nowadays internal political situation, possible candidates of presidents, the forces supporting them and etc. The active discussion between the participants and speaker, that took place after the lecture, confirmed the currency of the theme and the great interest of the participants.

On April 08, 2009, took place round-table conference organized of Council of young orientalists of The Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA about the results of the elections of local authorities of Turkey. Made speeches researchers of the Department of Turkish Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA, candidate of History Vahram Ter-Matevosyan, candidate of History Arthur Dumanyan, researchers Anush Hovhannisyan, Tatevik Manukyan and Karen Shakaryan. Karen Shakaryan introduced briefly the results of elections of local authorities of Turkey 2009.
Vahram Ter-Matevosyan introduced comparative analysis of achievements and omissions of ,,Justice and progress” party in the elections of local authorities.
The speech of Anush Hovhannisyan was under the title ,,Just mediation or political bargaining”.
Tatevik Manukyan analized the influence of kurdish factor in elections of local authorities.
The discussion took place after the lectures, a lot of questions and opinions were said.

On April 28, 2009, in the hall of meetings Council of young orientalists of The Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA organized the demonstration of the historical-documental film ,,From rock paintings to alphabet” of senior researcher of The Department of the Ancient Orient of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA, candidate of History Artak Movsisyan (director of film Artak Avdalyan).

On May 13, 2009, on Council of young orientalists of The Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA initiative in the hall of meetings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA made report doctor of History Armen Petrosyan about ,,Indo-European homeland”.
There were questions after report, a discussion took place.

On September 30, 2009, in the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA took place round-table conference entitled ,,Armenia on the threshold of new geopolitical challenges” programme’s,, Regional developments”, which was organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA, Scientific council of young orientalists, History and Political science department of SEUA. Made speeches head of History and political science department of SEUA, candidate of Political science, docent Sirak Hovhannisyan and deputy director of the Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA, doctor of History Pavel Chobanyan. The hot discussions took place after the lectures, a lot of actual questions were said, particularly about problems in North Lori, about the mastering and destruction of armenian cultural and spiritual monuments in Georgia, as well as many other problems.
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